GUITAR PRO 5.2 RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) and 123 000 tabs
Guitar Pro is a multitrack tablature editor for guitar, banjo and bass. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro is a useful resource for guitarists from beginner to experienced levels to progress , compose , or simply accompany themselves.
Tablature Editor
Audio Playback
MIDI & ASCII Import/Export
Chords Diagrams
Guitar Fretboard
Scales Tools
Digital Tuner
Speed Trainer
Guitar Power 1.5.0 PORTABLE
Guitar Power is a truly interactive learning system. Quickly and easily use scales, chords and arpeggios. Any style or level - learn the secrets of the pros and play like your guitar heroes.
Guitar Power will teach you: 3000 chord voicings, 500 scales, 550 arpeggios, triads in any inversion, notes on the fretboard, how to name your own chords and which scales to use when soloing.
With so many guitar chords and guitar scales at your fingertips, you'll never need another guitar chord dictionary!
Amazon Review - ?This is a fantastic book. HIGHLY recommended. It even moved me to write my first review on Amazon. I had no idea that improving my accent would be so much fun and so interesting. The main strengh of the book is in the system. The first one third of the course is devoted to the intonation training, which builds a good foundation for the individual sound training that is to come later. Instead of focusing on particular sounds from the beginning, you learn to think large and change your actual speech flow.?
Guitar Speed Trainer PROFFESSIONAL v2.3.8.4
Do you want to play fast?
The Guitar Speed Trainer is a home study course software designed to help you develop superior speed and technique.
It starts with knowledge...
The first thing you need is correct information. If you want to make significant progress then you simply must know all the important facts about guitar speed.
That's why the very first thing you will do with the Guitar Speed Trainer will be learning the fundamentals:
How speed picking really works.
The four picking strategies.
The three types of motion.
How to measure your speed.
Advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.
The "PP" secret for developing jaw-dropping speed.
The five worst training mistakes, and how to avoid them.
The "LRB" secret of super-coordination at high speed.
Guitar Speed Trainer gives you: All the necessary knowledge and all the personalized training you need to become a very fast guitar player.

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